The Radboud University Medical Center (RADBOUDUMC) is one of the largest academic teaching hospitals in the Netherlands. The diabetes research performed in the Department of Internal Medicine focuses on impaired awareness of hypoglycaemia and the role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance. Both topics are more and more interrelated and strongly emphasize translational research. There are extensive collaborations with the departments of experimental radiology and nuclear medicine and with the laboratory of experimental internal medicine. The research is embedded in the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS). One of the major projects coordinated by RADBOUDUMC was the Hypoglycaemia REdefining SOLutions for better liVEs (Hypo-RESOLVE) project. This was an EU supported research project aimed at reducing the burden and consequences of hypoglycaemia in people with diabetes by enhancing our understanding of hypoglycaemia using a comprehensive multilevel approach consisting of basic, clinical, psychological/behavioural and health-economic research. The project ran from 2018 through 2023.
Role within REDDIE
In REDDIE, RADBOUDUMC is one of the partner institutions, mainly involved in WP4, where real-world evidence data will be validated against evidence obtained from randomised controlled trials (in particular regarding data from the Hypo-RESOLVE database), and WP6 for developing a consensus report of a new GRADE system to judge for data quality from RWD. We will also provide input from a clinical perspective on the whole project.